Corona in the air… A new crisis added to the Syrians’ crises
OUTZainab Masri | Abdullah al-Khatib | Saleh Malas | Khawla Hafezi With a sarcastic yet fearful attitude, Syrians receive news […]
March 6, 2020OUTZainab Masri | Abdullah al-Khatib | Saleh Malas | Khawla Hafezi With a sarcastic yet fearful attitude, Syrians receive news […]
March 6, 2020Saleh Malas | Hiba Shehada | Yamen Maghrebi The smoke plume and dust were reflecting the red twilight colors that […]
March 2, 2020Ali Darwish | Zainab Masry |Mais Chitian Umm Tariq lives with her three children in constant suffering inside a tent […]
February 24, 2020Murad Abdul Jalil / Taim al-Haj / Haba Shehadeh Syrian geography emerges again as subject to new deals and conflict […]
February 17, 2020Murad Abdul Jalil | Mais Hamad | Ali Darwish In one of the offices of al-Bab Local Council in Aleppo […]
February 7, 2020Mais Shettian | Saleh Malas | Zainab Masri |Yamen Maghribi Syrians are following up on a daily basis the indicators […]
February 1, 2020Hiba Shehada/ Zainab Masri/ Saleh Malas During a meeting with Enab Baladi in the Mardabsa camp, east of Idlib, Ahmed […]
January 23, 2020Haba Shehadeh | Ali Darwish |Abdullah al-Khatib Borders had been closed in front of Syrians looking for safety abroad, but […]
January 18, 2020Taym al-Haj /Abdullah al-Khatib/ Murad Abdul Jalil/ Habaa Shehadeh Halfway between the Iranian Caspian Beach and Head of the […]
January 14, 2020Murad Abdul Jalil |Ninar Khalifa | Muhammad Homs Voting stations in schools and universities, boxes containing the names of candidates, […]
January 2, 2020Caesar is the “largest” penal law against the Syrian regime and its allies. It has been approved five years after passing several times in the American Congress, to ensure “holding al-Assad’s regime accountable … and justice for its victims.”
December 25, 2019In this file, Enab Baladi sheds light on the role of civil society in the constitutional process, the reasons behind its division and attempts to politicize it, and seeks to assess the chances of the continuation of the civil society and its future within the political process.
December 21, 2019Enab Baladi’s Investigation Team Ahmad Jamal | Taim al-Haj | Ali Darwish The term “safest areas” in Syria refers to […]
December 12, 2019In this file, Enab Baladi sheds the light on three crises threatening the medical sector in northwestern Syria: the Russian systematic targeting, lack of support, and the fuel crisis.
December 6, 2019Enab Baladi investigates the direct reasons that led to the decline of the Syrian Pound’s value over the past few weeks, as well as the effects of this and the the salary increase on Syrian citizens and economy.
November 29, 2019Enab Baladi met with the five parents to find out about the phenomenon of non-registration of Syrian newborns abroad and the reasons that pushed them to do so. It also met with human rights activists and expeditors in Syria and countries of asylum, to diagnose the phenomenon in an attempt to find solutions.
November 23, 2019Enab Baladi’s Investigation Team Ninar Khalifa | Mohamed Homs | Mourad Abdul Jalil Only four days after the beginning of […]
November 15, 2019Enab Baladi‘s Investigation Team Dia Odeh | Mourad Abdul Jalil | Ahmad Jamal The Syrian Army was not prepared when […]
November 13, 2019Enab Baladi’s investigation team. Nainar Khalifa, Taym al-Hadj, Hibaa Shehadeh and Mohammed Hummos “The Kurds opened the doors and […]
October 28, 2019Mohamed Homos / Mais Hamad Five years have passed since the occurrence of the biggest medical mistake in northern Syria, […]
October 27, 2019