Idlib residents prepare for winter with firewood, pistachio shells, and olive pomace

The price of a ton of firewood is $165 in Idlib, with expectations that the price will rise with the onset of rain season - October 10, 2024 (Enab Baladi)

The price of a ton of firewood is $165 in Idlib, with expectations that the price will rise with the onset of rain season - October 10, 2024 (Enab Baladi)


Idlib – Anas al-Khouli

As winter approaches, some residents of Idlib city in northwestern Syria have begun searching for heating materials and means that fit their economic and living conditions, as daily wages for workers do not exceed 100 Turkish lira (equivalent to three US dollars).

For years, the options available in the region have shrunk, forcing most residents to rely on heating methods that can cause health and environmental damage.

Enab Baladi interviewed some residents of Idlib city about their heating options for the winter, showcasing the available means and their prices, which are set in US dollars, despite the Turkish lira being the circulating currency.

Confusion over prices in dollars

The monthly income of Musab al-Hassan, who works in food distribution, is $200, but he needs double this amount to cover basic household expenses, including rent.

Al-Hassan said to Enab Baladi that he barely managed to purchase half a ton of pistachio shells for heating throughout 2023, which is just enough for half the winter.

This year, he is still confused as he needs to buy a new heater to replace his old, worn-out one.

On the other hand, Osman al-Mousa, a resident of Idlib, is accustomed to buying firewood for heating in October each year, but he hasn’t purchased it yet this year and is considering buying a heater that works with pistachio shells due to the poor quality and high price of firewood compared to the shells.

The prices of pistachio shell heaters range between $100 and $450, depending on their quality, the type of metal used in their manufacture, the level of safety in modern heaters, and their use for other purposes such as cooking and heating water. Firewood heaters range in price from $50 to $300.

This year, the prices of heating materials have decreased compared to 2023, with the price of a ton of firewood currently at $165, down from $250 last year.

Meanwhile, the price of pistachio shells has reached $148 per ton, compared to $225 previously.

The price of a ton of olive pomace is $110, down from $225 in 2023.

Olive pomace is a flammable material made from the leftover of olives after pressing them to extract olive oil.

The price of a liter of first-grade diesel is $1.069, while the improved type costs $0.68, and a gas cylinder costs $11.83.

Daily purchases

The deteriorating economic conditions prevent most residents from buying sufficient quantities of heating materials at once, forcing them to purchase daily according to their capabilities and what is available in the markets. Some have been forced to forgo heating materials on days when it is not too cold.

The recognized poverty line in the northwestern regions of Syria is 10,791 Turkish lira (approximately $320), while the extreme poverty line is 9,033 Turkish lira (approximately $270), according to the Syria Response Coordination Group (SRCG) operating in the area.

Four years ago, Abdullah al-Hajli, a displaced man residing in Idlib city, modified his diesel heater to operate on pistachio shells. However, since last year, he has started using the cheapest available materials in the market, as he works as a daily construction laborer.

He said to Enab Baladi that all available heating materials are now out of reach for him; the cheapest exceeds $100 per ton, an amount he cannot afford throughout the year.

For his part, Bilal al-Shibli, a displaced person from the Aleppo countryside, considered that daily purchases do not solve the problem but rather increase the financial burden on workers.

He explained that the firewood sold during winter is not dry, making it more difficult to ignite.

Al-Shibli added to Enab Baladi that if the prices of heating materials rise with the arrival of winter, he will have to look for alternatives such as second-hand clothes, leftover plastics, cardboard, and coal, despite the dangers of using these materials for heating.

Unhealthy alternatives

For years, some families have resorted to using primitive means for heating, such as burning shoes, plastic, and coal, despite the respiratory and pulmonary diseases these materials can cause, and the risk of fires.

The price of a kilogram of unusable clothing, coal, and green firewood is two Turkish lira, half the price of other heating materials. However, burning these materials in heaters is extremely dangerous, especially in homes lacking proper ventilation, and it has caused many fires in camps.

In Idlib, a substance known as “coal” is widespread, made from leftover refined oil that is manually dried in the summer to be sold in solid form. Burning it in heaters releases toxic gases.


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