Within a week… Two Global Coalition landing operations in Deir Ezzor

A member of the Global Coalition’s Boeing CH-47 Chinook staff during a mission in northeastern Syrian- (RAY BOYINGTON/U.S. ARMY)

A member of the Global Coalition’s Boeing CH-47 Chinook staff during a mission in northeastern Syrian- (RAY BOYINGTON/U.S. ARMY)


The US-led Global Coalition forces carried a new landing operation in the “Syrian Democratic Forces” SDF-held Deir Ezzor countryside.

The Deir Ezzor 24, and Euphratespost networks said, on Saturday 30 November 2019, that the landing operation took place in al-Harijiyah village in norther countryside of Deir Ezzor, resulting in the arrest of a group of the village’s residence who work in oil smuggling, on charges of dealing with the so-called Islamic State (ISIS).

The SDF also arrested five people in Al-Hawayej town east of Deir Ezzor, on charges of communicating with ISIS, according to the Deir Ezzor 24.

Landing operations have been frequently repeated in several areas of Deir Ezzor during the past months, and many those wanted by Global Coalition forces were arrested on different charges.

A week ago, a landing operation took place in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, in which many people were arrested on charges of dealing with ISIS and associating with SDF in the town of Thubian in eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

The network of Deir Ezzor News, said that the raid, involved three US “Apache”, helicopters, a fighter jet, and two reconnaissance aircrafts, meanwhile clashes between the tribe of Akkidat and SDF were on going in Lattwah neighborhood in town of Thubian after the US warplanes targeted some buildings in the neighborhood.

Another raid was waged by The Global Coalition forces and the SDF in al-Jasmi area in the northern countryside of Deir Ezzor, resulted in arresting three people back then according to Euphratespost.

And another raid took place in June 2019, in which The Coalition waged a landing operation in eastern countryside of Deri Ezzor, killing 15 people in an attempt to arrest a former leader of ISIS.

Public demonstrations in Deir Ezzor, refusing the Coalition’s landing operations that targeted citizens in the area, and condemned the killings.

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