Having no textbooks nor school buildings, teaching occurs under olive trees in Sinjar camp

Children of Sinjar al-Kahraba camp do not have access to formal education for their second year in northern Idlib

Non-governmental organizations have not responded to the calls of the camp’s residents to establish a school for their children,amid declining donor’s support for the education sector in north-western Syria, which threatens to deny about half a million children of their right to go to schools.

Students had to endure the blazing summer sun to take classes under olive trees. However, the mud and the cold of winter are their biggest challenges.

Children are striving to learn due to the lack of heating, and insulation from the freezing conditions. Children are sinking in the mud and stand shivering for learning.

Camp children continue to attend classes as far as possible, but if they do not receive any educational support, they will share the same fate of 2.1 million children who dropped out of school.
Camp children continue to attend classes as far as possible, but if they do not receive any educational support, they will share the same fate of 2.1 million children who dropped out of school.