Free Aleppo University opens library with more than 7000 books

The opening of Free Aleppo University’s library—9 December 2019 (Local Council of Azaz)

The opening of Free Aleppo University’s library—9 December 2019 (Local Council of Azaz)


Free Aleppo University announced the opening of a central library, on Monday, 9 December, in the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo.

Coordinated by Khota al-Tatawuei volunteer team, a fund-raising campaign was kicked off on 3 July 2019 in order to establish the library in Free Aleppo University.

The team had raised donations in the northern countryside of Aleppo, neighboring countries and the Arabian Gulf for six months. The Donations were of two types, first of which was cash donations, and the second was manuscripts, academic papers and print journals donations, which were donated by academic parties and individuals.

Hussein Akkash, a member of Khota team, said that the library was based on merchants, institutions and interested individuals’ donations of books.

Souryana team prepared the library hall and provided its requirements, in which students can work on their scientific and literature projects and researches.

The library’s system provides for borrowing and returning books, according to the official social media accounts of Azaz’s local council.

Ali Waisi, the general supervisor of the campaign, was killed in a bombing in Azaz before Eid al-Fitr 2019, yet, the team continued accelerating their efforts to supply the library with books, and eventually the project was named after Ali Waisi.

Speaking to Enab Baladi, Reem Hassano, member of Khota team said that the library was supplied with approximately 7000 books, that covers a wide range of science, literature, cultural and political topics classified according to Dewey Decimal System.

The Dewey Decimal System is a modern proprietary library classification system.


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