A vigil at the second anniversary of the chemical massacre of Khan Shaykhun, rural Idlib – April 4, 2019 (Enab Baladi)
The signs held by the people say: “Suffocated, burnt and mutilated, are there any death methods left that you have not tried yet; hold al-Assad accountable, chemical weapons Khan Shaykhun/ Al-Assad is a war criminal, killing us with all the tools of crime/ two years ago, he suffocated us, and he is yet killing us/ 04.04.2017 is a day that our generations will not forget/ Bashar al-Assad is killing his people with an international license/ Two years have passed since the chemical weapons’ massacre and the massacres of the Russians and the regime are yet going on/We demand that the international community stop the shelling and protect the civilians/ Save our childhood from the criminality of the al-Assad regime; Massacres by al-Assad and Putin are continuing/ Two years have passed since we were suffocated and the criminal is still free/The tools are many and the criminal is but one; chemical weapons, aircraft, missiles, and the massacres are still going on/We thank the heroes of the Civil Defense, they are what is left of the world’s humanity, the children of the city of Khan Shaykhun/He is making an art out of killing his people and has a plan to get back Golan/Two years have passed since our suffocation, and our children are still suffering the bitterness of daily shelling.”

A vigil at the second anniversary of the chemical massacre of Khan Shaykhun, rural Idlib – April 4, 2019 (Enab Baladi)
The signs held by the people say: “Suffocated, burnt and mutilated, are there any death methods left that you have not tried yet; hold al-Assad accountable, chemical weapons Khan Shaykhun/ Al-Assad is a war criminal, killing us with all the tools of crime/ two years ago, he suffocated us, and he is yet killing us/ 04.04.2017 is a day that our generations will not forget/ Bashar al-Assad is killing his people with an international license/ Two years have passed since the chemical weapons’ massacre and the massacres of the Russians and the regime are yet going on/We demand that the international community stop the shelling and protect the civilians/ Save our childhood from the criminality of the al-Assad regime; Massacres by al-Assad and Putin are continuing/ Two years have passed since we were suffocated and the criminal is still free/The tools are many and the criminal is but one; chemical weapons, aircraft, missiles, and the massacres are still going on/We thank the heroes of the Civil Defense, they are what is left of the world’s humanity, the children of the city of Khan Shaykhun/He is making an art out of killing his people and has a plan to get back Golan/Two years have passed since our suffocation, and our children are still suffering the bitterness of daily shelling.”

The signs held by the people say: “Suffocated, burnt and mutilated, are there any death methods left that you have not tried yet; hold al-Assad accountable, chemical weapons Khan Shaykhun/ Two years have passed since the massacre and the killer’s criminality is increasing/They prohibited the usage of chemical weapons and made all the killing tools available/ Sarin gas is killing us and the Civil defense is saving us, the children of Khan Shaykhun.”

A vigil at the second anniversary of the chemical massacre of Khan Shaykhun, rural Idlib – April 4, 2019 (Enab Baladi)
The signs held by the two little girls say: “Save our childhood from the criminality of the al-Assad regime; Massacres by al-Assad and Putin are continuing/ We thank the heroes of the Civil Defense, they are what is left of the world’s humanity, the children of the city of Khan Shaykhun.”

A vigil at the second anniversary of the chemical massacre of Khan Shaykhun, rural Idlib – April 4, 2019 (Enab Baladi)
The signs held by the people say: “Suffocated, burnt and mutilated, are there any death methods left that you have not tried yet; hold al-Assad accountable, chemical weapons Khan Shaykhun/ Al-Assad is a war criminal, killing us with all the tools of crime/ two years ago, he suffocated us, and he is yet killing us/ 04.04.2017 is a day that our generations will not forget/ Bashar al-Assad is killing his people with an international license/ Two years have passed since the chemical weapons’ massacre and the massacres of the Russians and the regime are yet going on/We demand that the international community stop the shelling and protect the civilians/ Save our childhood from the criminality of the al-Assad regime; Massacres by al-Assad and Putin are continuing/ Two years have passed since we were suffocated and the criminal is still free/The tools are many and the criminal is but one; chemical weapons, aircraft, missiles, and the massacres are still going on/We thank the heroes of the Civil Defense, they are what is left of the world’s humanity, the children of the city of Khan Shaykhun/He is making an art out of killing his people and has a plan to get back Golan/Two years have passed since our suffocation, and our children are still suffering the bitterness of daily shelling.”