Aircrafts Concentrate Attacks on Vital Centers in Ghouta

Child injured in the artillery shelling on the outskirts of Hamouriyah in Eastern Ghouta - 13 December 2017 (Enab Baladi)

Child injured in the artillery shelling on the outskirts of Hamouriyah in Eastern Ghouta - 13 December 2017 (Enab Baladi)


Military aircrafts are intensifying their attacks on the vital centers in Eastern Ghouta, leading to both materialistic and human casualties.

Enab Baladi’s reporter in Eastern Ghouta, on Tuesday, February 20, said that Russian and Assadist aircrafts have boosted their shelling on hospitals, Civil Defense Centers, bakeries and other vital centers.

Medical points in Hazeh, Saqba and al-Marj have went out of service due to dozens of air raids in the past a few hours.

The mechanic bakery in Mesraba, belonging to merchant Mohiuddin al – Mnafoush, has also went out of service, in addition to food-related warehouses in Ghouta due to bombardment, according to the reporter.

Local sources from the city of Duma said that rotary-wing and military aircrafts are targeting Ghouta around the clock, backed with rocket launchers and mortars.

They also pointed out to creating an emergency room that incubates all social segments, headed by the local councils to offer services according to available resources and supplies needed for basements and clearing debris.

Medical sources informed Enab Baladi, today, that the death toll due to shelling has reached 120 civilians in the past 24 hours.

A while ago, the Civil Defense, in rural Damascus, mentioned that seven civilians, including four children, have been killed and others have been injured due to air raids that targeted the residential neighborhoods in Arbin.

Other 24 people, including five women and a little girl, have also died in an air raid of dozens of rockets, according to the Civil Defense, which said that its centers have been depending on a “quick response” to evacuate civilians.

The Civil Defense centers in Ghouta have been targeted, and the death of Feras JUmaa, a volunteer, was reported. Jumaa died while performing his humanitarian duty in helping injured people in the town of “Sawa.”

According to UN, the situation in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta “is spiraling out of control” warning of a humanitarian disaster that might befall the area.

In his statement today, the UN’s regional humanitarian coordinator for Syria Panos Moumtzis demanded an immediate cessation of the military operations that are targeting civilians on a daily basis, in addition to the need to open humanitarian crossings for critical patients.

The intensified shelling comes within the fame of an anticipated military operation, which Ghouta might witness, amidst Assad’s forces reinforcements in the area, which mobilized eight military brigades, including “Tiger Forces,” under Suheil al-Hassan, and the “Forces of the Fighters of the Tribes.”

Yesterday, Damascus Countryside Governorate Local Council called the “High Negotiation Committee” to stop and suspend negations “until the frenzied attack on Eastern Ghouta is ended and the siege over it is broken.”

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