Report documents the toll of Russia and Assad regime attacks on Aleppo’s eastern districts over 25 days since the end of truce on September 18
Russia, Assad Committed Largest Breach of Human Rights Following Ceasefire Collapse: Monitor

A Syrian human rights monitor has documented the biggest breaches of human rights carried out by government and Russian forces in the districts of eastern Aleppo after 25 days since the end of the truce which failed a week after going into effect.
According to a report released on Sunday October 16 by the UK-based Syrian Network for Human Rights, Russian and Assad forces have killed 361 civilians, including 96 children and 55 women, since the collapse of the ceasefire on September 18.
The network recorded Russian forces carrying out 13 massacres and 22 acts of aggression against civilian centers, while government forces were responsible for three massacres, and four acts of aggression against civilian centers.
Russian forces used incendiary weapons in six attacks, while Assad regime helicopters dropped 151 barrel bombs on the eastern districts of Aleppo, which is under opposition control.
The city’s eastern districts have been under siege since the beginning of September, while witnessing a deterioration in the medical situation in light of the lack of capacity and the inability of the hospitals and medical points to give services to the wounded, whose numbers are increasing daily with the continuation of bombardment on these districts.
The network confirmed that the Russian and Syrian regimes had violated to an undeniable extent the two Security Council resolutions, 2139 and 2254, which stipulated the end of indiscriminate bombardment, and had violated through the crime of intentional killing the eighth item of the foundational Rome Statute, comprising “war crimes.”
The network concluded its report by advising the opening of investigations into the events reported there and informing Syrian society about the results, holding the perpetrators to account, compensating all affected centers and facilities and rebuilding and repairing them anew, in addition to compensating families of the dead and wounded.
It called on the Security Council to take additional measures after more than a year had passed since resolution 2254, which clearly stipulated “that all parties immediately cease any attacks against civilians and civilian objects as such, including attacks against medical facilities and personnel, and any indiscriminate use of weapons, including through shelling and aerial bombardment.”
The Syrian regime began a military campaign in September to take control of the eastern districts of Aleppo city, amid intense daily bombardment, killing and wounding dozens, while the activists of the area have called for breaking the siege today.
This article was translated and edited by The Syrian Observer. Responsibility for the information and views set out in this article lies entirely with the author.
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