More Daraa residents wanted by regime forces

  • 2021/07/07
  • 11:49 am
Clashes between Syrian regime forces and former armed opposition fighters in the al-Sanamayn city in Daraa governorate, south of Syria — April 2020 (AFP)

Clashes between Syrian regime forces and former armed opposition fighters in the al-Sanamayn city in Daraa governorate, south of Syria — April 2020 (AFP)

The Syrian regime forces have recently added 42 names to wanted lists, who are to hand over their weapons in al-Sanamayn city, north of Daraa governorate. The number of wanted persons rose to 139 in al-Sanamayn alone.

Enab Baladi‘s correspondent in Daraa reported that the regime forces on Monday evening, 5 July, ordered a list of 42 persons to surrender their individual weapons. Regime forces threatened to storm the city should these persons refuse to uphold orders.

On Tuesday, the Horan Free League said it obtained a copy of the new list with names of persons wanted in al-Sanamayn city.

The league also quoted an al-Sanamayn-based source who said that most of these names are former fighters of armed opposition groups that controlled southern Syria till July 2018.

The local source noted that the regime is updating wanted-persons lists almost daily, on the pretext of weapons possession, adding that the regime will most likely circulate new lists until the weapon handover deadline, on 8 June, is due.

The source added no one knows how far the regime’s demands can go, especially since their forces have imposed blockades on several areas across the governorate.

A second local source, interviewed by Enab Baladi, refuted the news reported by local media pages, that among the names listed are volunteer conscripts within the ranks of the regime forces and other para-military groups.

On 4 July, the regime forces informed the city residents that they have to surrender individual weapons, naming 100 persons as keeping possession of such weapons. The residents are to hand over all weapons by 8 July at the latest, amid regime forces threats of a military offensive in the city.

The regime forces launched a military operation in al-Sanamayn city in March 2020 to control neighborhoods that remained out of the regime’s control. Dozens were arrested during the operation and 21 fighters from the city left to northern Syria, while those who wished to stay had to sign a new settlement agreement with the regime.

Several areas across Daraa governorate, particularly Daraa al-Balad and al-Sanamayn, are besieged by regime forces and the Russian military police. The siege was imposed on numerous neighborhoods within these two cities on the pretext that the Daraa Central Committee rejected to hand over demanded individual weapons to Russian forces.

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