When the Syrian graffiti artist, Aziz al-Asmar saw the killing incident of the African-American US citizen, George Floyd, who died of asphyxiation in police custody in the US - Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
When the Syrian graffiti artist, Aziz al-Asmar saw the killing incident of the African-American US citizen, George Floyd, who died of asphyxiation in police custody in the US – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
The images of Syrian civilians who suffocated to death due to chemical weapons came to his mind – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
And because Syrians are peace advocates who wish all people to live in harmony and peace – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
As racism against African-American citizens has escalated in the US – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
The graffiti artist, Aziz al-Asmar used his brush and colors to express his solidarity with oppressed African-American people on the ruins of his destroyed house’s wall – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
Al-Asmar condemned the discrimination against black people in the US through his mural in his hometown of Binnish in Idlib province – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020
The artist hoped that one-day, injustice will be over, and peace will prevail throughout the universe – Yousef Ghuraibi – 01 June 2020