Mariam al-Jasem lives alone in Sinjar al-Kahraba camp near the city of Sarmada after she was displaced from Sinjar town in the eastern countryside of Idlib.
Mariam al-Jasem lives alone in Sinjar al-Kahraba camp near the city of Sarmada after she was displaced from Sinjar town in the eastern countryside of Idlib.
After rain hit Sinjar al-Kahraba camp, al-Jasem started her fight to remove the mud and puddles that gathered in her tent and the unpaved roads surrounding it.
Al-Jasem has neither a breadwinner nor a helper. Moreover, she has not received any kind of assistance that would enable her to face the harsh winter due to lack of funding. Local organizations and United Nations agencies suffer from lack of funding and increasing pressure and needs for about one million internally displaced persons who moved from southern Idlib and northern Hama as a result of the military campaign launched by the Syrian regime and its Russian ally since the first months of the ninth year of the Syrian conflict.
Al-Jasem tries to protect her tent by surrounding it with gravel to prevent water intrusion that kept her awake for two consecutive nights.
As winter comes, the rain will not stop falling. Furthermore, the cold will get quite harsh day after day, al-Jasem will stand helpless in the face of the cruel winter; she has no means of heating and no money to leave the camp.